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If you don't to innovate,use the available resources to invest spending time with poor people, coping up with the technology, taking risks all lead to poverty
added by 1000949756 691 days ago 1    0

Of course very sure indeed,you have to remain very poor if you are not very careful, reason that once you continue drinking to much,your minds can ba change and you start thinking other way around, you can not watch television from morning up to evening and you fail to become poor so definitely you have become poor, to stay with friends with no vision most times you could find your self when your are poor,
Spending to much than what you earn
If you don't spend careful you might end up crying as results to become poor
So I advised you to treat money as roaded rifles,so money carefully

added by Anonymous 691 days ago 1    0

You will remain poor if you continue doing these eight things

Gambling. Drinking too much alcohol. Type of your friends ie visionally friends or friends without visions. Spending too much time in infront of your television. Thinking negatively. Doing a job you don't like. Ignoring your customer feedback. Spending too much than what you earn

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