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Artificial intelligence work's like human being like the brain of human being which is capable of suggesting something to someone
added by 1001277811 375 days ago 2    0

Android can perform speech synthesis from a theoretical command. For example Android can create speech from words which is different from recording a human voice
added by Anonymous 913 days ago 3    0

When AI is fully in place, one will be able to have a logical and live conversation with a computer without any command
added by 1001246165 915 days ago 4    0

The use on these artificial intelligence is good but has bad side iffects which as badly contributed to bad production os scholars in schools
added by 1001249430 925 days ago 3    0


Artificial intelligence can be defined as the ability of computer to mimic human thoughts.

Artificial intelligence now has part of its culture at work, we can figure this out from the devices we use as mobile phones, Android can perform speech synthesis from a theoretical command. For example Android can create speech from words which is different from recording a human voice and then re-speak it, this is part of AI.

When AI is fully in place, one will be able to have a logical and live conversation with a computer without any command.

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