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In this computer age whereby AI technology i.e technology called artificial intelligence which has power to mimic human intelligence is a new development.
added by 1001277811 375 days ago 2    0

L'homme digitalise son intelligence( intelligence artificielle) pour se faire plus de temps, de liberté et d'argent. L'IA départi les êtres humains des tâches quotidiennes comme le ménage et l'accueil fait d'habitude par les femmes de ménage
added by 1001059564 887 days ago 4    0

communities will be able to have a logical and live conversation with a computer without any commands like attending court sessions as has started in some countries like China
added by Anonymous 913 days ago 5    0

Artificial intelligence is important in the world it increases the etechnologyand communicate with the world
added by 1001246165 915 days ago 5    0

This is good for though slow it is slowing the human ability to think and depend on his mind, especially in schools, students are getting worse daily
added by 1001249430 925 days ago 5    0


AI the ability of computer to mimic human thoughts. Artificial intelligence now has part of culture at work, we can figure this out from the devices we use as mobile phones, Android can perform speech synthesis from a theoretical command.

In future, communities will be able to have a logical and live conversation with a computer without any commands like attending court sessions as has started in some countries like China. This will fasten the process of court handling as well as reduce corruption and bureaucracies therein.

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