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My humble request is that for the purpose of making lottefree more interesting and enjoyable, the rewarding system should be overhauled such that if one gets one number in the right place
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 3    0

I see pro or no because when you play various reasons to each question , you receive some points which goes direct to our yem wallets
added by Anonymous 674 days ago 2    0

Je suis un grand fan de lottefree. Je ne peux pas manquer une journée sans jouer au jeu. Mon humble demande est que, dans le but de rendre lottefree plus intéressant et agréable, le système de récompense devrait être révisé de sorte que si quelqu'un obtient un numéro au bon endroit, il devrait être récompensé, et s'il en obtient deux, la récompense augmente, de même pour trois, puis bien sûr le gagnant qui obtient les quatre numéros. De cette façon, il y aura au moins un peu d'espoir pour un prix de consolation et cela encouragera les membres.
added by Anonymous 676 days ago 2    0

Exactly this will also make the platt to attract more members and value. Even if they put the little amount for each correct number chosen will be better
added by 1001249430 680 days ago 2    0

Oui vraiment ce jeu de la loterie pour gagner des yem gratuit me fait du bien parce que le jour de repos cela me permet de m'occuper et gagner des yem gratuit.
added by Anonymous 683 days ago 3    0

Reward has a way of making people put more efforts. I think that we need to be rewarded for a job well done. Please reward us for playing.
added by Anonymous 695 days ago 4    0

I suggest yes to enable our fellow members who have just joined Unicorn Network to get some YEM. And also to have fun as we are awarded.
added by 1000951584 695 days ago 4    0

This is a game of chances. Keep choosing numbers, you will win and never give up.ofcourse tge administration wishes to keep the number of winners to a minimum so as not to deplete the yem store. I really doubt whether they can change.
added by Anonymous 695 days ago 5    0

The Lottefree game for entertainment and winning of free yem.

I am a great fan of lottefree. I can not miss a day without playing the game. My humble request is that for the purpose of making lottefree more interesting and enjoyable, the rewarding system should be overhauled such that if one gets one number in the right place, he should be rewarded, and if he gets two the reward increases, same for three and then of course the winner who gets all the four numbers. This way at least there will be some hope for a consolation prize and this will encourage the members. How do you see it?

How do you vote?

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We don't need this in order to avoid dumping of Yem. Free things don't pain the owners and so can cause distortion of market price for Yem.
added by 1001130966 693 days ago 2    0