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This is because upper fixed up is considered as the normal range at which the temperature need to work normal in our body system.
added by 1001277811 375 days ago 2    0

Lower fixed point determines the temperature at which the fluid used in the thermometer as the lowest( minimum volume) while upper fixed point determines the temperature
added by Anonymous 913 days ago 6    0

the temperature at which the fluid used in the thermometer as the lowest( minimum volume) while upper fixed point determines the temperature at which the fluid used in the thermometer as the highest (maximum)
added by 1001246165 915 days ago 5    0

this remember me my first day in secondary school.
when my physics's teacher were talking about temperature
added by Anonymous 923 days ago 5    0

Ini cukup bagus, ini telah membawa kami kembali ke sekolah menengah di mana kami belajar hal-hal seperti itu bukan untuk digunakan di masa depan tetapi untuk lulus ujian
added by 1001247486 923 days ago 7    0

This is good enough, it has brought us back to secondary school where we learnt such things bnot to uses in future but to pass the exams
added by 1001249430 925 days ago 7    0

Why is lower fixed point taken as zero and upper fixed point taken as one hundred. Lower fixed point determines the temperature at which the fluid used
added by 1001246165 933 days ago 8    0

Why is lower fixed point taken as zero and upper fixed point taken as one hundred. Lower fixed point determines the temperature at which the fluid used in the thermometer as the lowest(
added by 1001246165 933 days ago 8    0

Il faut toujours accepté la grandeur,alors high fixe point est la meilleure.toujours chercher à être au sommet
added by Anonymous 933 days ago 9    0

Lower fixed point and upper fixed point

Why is lower fixed point taken as zero and upper fixed point taken as one hundred. Lower fixed point determines the temperature at which the fluid used in the thermometer as the lowest( minimum volume) while upper fixed point determines the temperature at which the fluid used in the thermometer as the highest (maximum)

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