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Karena itu bisa sangat menambah peredaran informasi bagi sebagian besar masyarakat di tanah air. dan sangat berguna untuk Semua orang
added by 1001247486 683 days ago 0    0

Automatically we need yem journalists in Uganda. This will be of great importance to the development of yem and other related projects in Uganda.
In the first place, they will increase the awareness about yem to the people of Uganda which will increase its usability and addiction among the people. It will be of great importance as the transactions with yem will have the optimal security and help to create Government revenue as the system setup of yem is made. Finally this will in one way or another curb down the rampunt corruption in the country.

added by Anonymous 689 days ago 4    0

Because it could make much sense add on the circulation of information to most people in the country.
added by 1000945510 689 days ago 3    0

We need YEM journalist in Uganda

We should get our own YEM journalist in Uganda. This will help us YEM hold to get first hand information and keep updated, promote YEM allover the country. People really need to know more about YEM foundation and more of crypto currencies.

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