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Pour nous qui investissons dans opportunités nous prêt à accepter ce que ça nous réserve quelques soit ce qui peut arriver
added by Anonymous 684 days ago 1    0

Couldn't agree less . Opportunities always meet those that are prepared and ready to take advantage of every situation in life.
added by 1000885064 684 days ago 1    0

Opportunities are just like human beings.
We love being embraced by people who are ready and interested in us. The more prepared for an opportunity the person is the higher the chances of ceasing it
added by 1000050594 684 days ago 2    0

Opportunity dances with those already on dance floor.

Opportunities are very many in this world but they will always go to a person who is ready for them. Even God helps those who help themselves. So always be ready for something coming. Don't just sit and wait for something to happen.

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