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Its true.
But it cannot be taken for granted because some people never learn form their happenings they meet!
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 681 days ago 0    0

Like the saying goes, "experience is the best teacher". So for every trying experience we go through, it inprints a lesson to each of us, from which we learn something about ourselves.
added by 1000885064 683 days ago 1    0

J'apprends plus lorsque j'ai dos au mur parceque je ne veux pas échoué pour quelques choses qui peut m'aider dans l'avenir
added by Anonymous 683 days ago 1    0

Every pain is only trial, we must have to survive from it, if we win from it we become stronger and better.
added by Anonymous 683 days ago 2    0

Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person.

Most people learn a lesson when they are hurt, they can think deeply of the next move. And when people learn a lesson, they can change the way things are done. So if you are hurt learn something and change, then life moves on.

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To a larger extent its true.

However, one can only change when the are sick and tired of their current existing situations. minus that, it doesn't matter how many times one is hurt, they never change
added by 1000050594 684 days ago 2    0