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Uang adalah segalanya,karena itu segalanya butuh uang.untuk kenyamanan hidup kita dalam hal apapun,baik di luar maupun di dalamnya
added by SYAFRUDIN SYAFRUDIN 674 days ago 0    0

The issue is that money is a magnifier so if you become rich and you have a lot of distortions, it will only make it worse. That is why the majority of lottery winners end up worse off in a few years then before they won it. So, get rid of your crap first!
added by Anonymous 675 days ago 2    0

True money changes people, that why you are still the same

If you make good observations, you will notes that as long as someone gets money, he or she has to change and that is nature. For example If a person is poor, can't afford daily meals, the day he she gets money, he can also to get a better menu.

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