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That is true it is noticeable that Savannah climate is a good atmospheric condition which I feel that it is going to favour solario technology.
added by 1001277811 125 days ago 1    0

This is wonderful, solar system will sure change the world ..this world places has to be used profitably, this idea is great and hel improve our economy
added by 1001249430 678 days ago 2    0

Proyek Solario adalah kemajuan dan kebahagiaan bagi Afrika di mana Matahari mendominasi sepanjang tahun. Setiap bagian dunia di mana matahari bersinar dapat memperoleh manfaat dari proyek Solario. Sangat kuat sehingga proyek ini tiba tepat waktu
added by 1001248290 679 days ago 2    0

Le projet Solario est une bénédiction pour l'Afrique où le Soleil est prédominant toute l'année. Toutes les parties du monde où le soleil luit peut profiter du projet Solario. Donc vivement que ce projet arrivé à point
added by Anonymous 679 days ago 4    0

Our good savanna climate will favor the solario technology

Most areas of east Afrika have a warm Savannah climate. With lots of sunshine all throughout the year.
Now with the upcoming technology of solar energy we believe it will be a slide over. Constant sunshine,full charge,all day,year round. Glory be to God

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