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A lot of people are not getting anything that can be sustainable for them on daily basis therefore humiliating them too.
added by 1001277811 138 days ago 1    0

Most people borow twice of their earnings. This can be quit difficult to settle the debts. Reduce your debts within your earnings
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 1    0

Greate thanks for the yem ..surely everything is going up and family are now getting into loans and credits just to make a living.
added by 1001249430 675 days ago 1    0

Ya terima kasih saya pada yang membawa saya pada YEM. Semoga YEM bisa membuat perekonomian keluarga yang membaik. Dan bisa berguna untuk generasi kami kedepannya.
added by Anonymous 676 days ago 2    0

Daily life's expenses are continuously keeping many families in debts

I want to thank the team WORLD CLASS INTERNATIONAL for teaching us the realities of life and updating us on YEM proceeding. Big up guys***
From their recent teaching I discovered how big my debts have always been yet I've been blind about it.
A normal person spending almost twice daily in comparison to the earning. You can step out of debt, except with YEM.

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