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That's true, the present holds our future, the decision we make now will determine how we shall live in the next year's hence making rite decisions when young is good
added by 1001249430 680 days ago 0    0

Oui effectivement il faut faire un bon choix en mariage quand on est jeune, pour avoir une bonne vie il faut avoir une bonne épouse
added by Anonymous 680 days ago 0    0

Kata tepat hanya di awal saja,karena bagaimana caranya kita menghargai pasangan kita dalam hal kekurangan nya dan mengagumi kelebihan nya
added by SYAFRUDIN SYAFRUDIN 680 days ago 0    0

Saya setuju untuk menikah berdasarkan cinta dan pengenalan masing masing individu. Karena menikah itu bukan hal sementara. Menikah untuk meneruskan generasi keturunan yang kita bimbing sampai hari tua oleh kita dan pasangan kita.
added by Anonymous 681 days ago 0    0

Je pense que le choix de sa meilleure amie comme épouse est un choix judicieux. Dans proverbe 18:22 la bible nous Celui qui une femme a trouvé le bonheur.Donc le choix de cette amie pourra vous procurer ce bonheur parce que cette dernière vous connait.
added by Anonymous 681 days ago 1    0

Make the right choice of a spouse when you are young

When you are young, there's excitement over marriage but check your motives for marrying. Don't marry to fit in your peer groups or for sociy standing or out of pressure. Marry for love and companionship. Marry your best friend. Because if you marry the wrong person or for the wrong reasons, remember you will have to put up with that person your entire life, things get worse when children are involved. You have to deal with depression,abuse, affairs, bitterness,pain,shame and finally divorce or death.

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