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money to buy for him yem and put it on your pernum. do you think such a person is right , why fear having his pernum, I fear such people
added by Anonymous 665 days ago 0    0

Pernum : is our personal number which protects our identity even the security is very highly recommend
added by 1000918294 675 days ago 2    0

That means he/she didn't trust you or your business proposal he/she want you to risk for them so that if something goes wrong you will be the one to suffer the consequences, such people are not good.
added by Anonymous 676 days ago 3    0

Kebanyakan orang belum memahami apa itu asset digital, terkadang orang bingung dan bertanya untuk apa dan apa gunanya. Hanya sebagian orang orang saja yang mengerti apa itu asset digital di era zaman sekarang.
added by Anonymous 677 days ago 2    0

It means this person didn't understand very well about pernum and it's benefits. So what I do is to show him all the trusted sites where he can get information, what prominent people are saying about the digital currency eg Ms. Lagarde IMF.
added by Anonymous 678 days ago 2    0

U explain to someone about pernum

After explaining to someone about pernun and he accepts everything but tells you he is giving you money to buy for him yem and put it on your pernum. do you think such a person is right , why fear having his pernum, I fear such people

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