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Kemampuan orang sudah di takdirkan berbeda oleh tuhan, tidak sama untuk semua orang. Oleh itu kita tidak bisa memaksakan kemampuan yang lebih dari yang kita mampu. Karena kemampuan itu sudah diberi batasan pada setiap orang. Dan setiap orang hanya bisa menjalankan tugasnya sesuai kemampuan dirinya.
added by Anonymous 677 days ago 2    0

Yes it is true GOD knows everything one's capabilities because He the one who created you and before we were born He knew that you were to born and to live
added by Anonymous 678 days ago 3    0

God knows each person's capabilities

God knows everyone and each person's capabilities..
when God wants to use you to heal broken people, he will first take you through the broken process where he will break you as many times as he can just to have you in a position where you fully understand how broken people feel.
•when you reach this stage he can trust you with his people because he knows that you can handle such people.

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