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There is the latest development in the manufacturing industry a lot of new improvement have been discovered
added by 1001277811 130 days ago 1    0

Changes have been made on a lot of manufactured goods in such away that these goods meet the market demands. Like products of food nature, currently manufacturers now make foods which do contain acceptable sugar levels like biscuits, crisps, cakes,chocolate to avoid our people eating foods that cause obesity. Even drinks currently made on the market are those certified by government standard body. People need to be educated on right food combination for both infants and adults to minimize diseases that emanate from eating poorly balanced foods. Foods should be well branded by those making them. There those who believe that what a man put in his stomach is his right. But education should be given to all consumers so that they make informed decisions while deciding what to eat. This applies to all other manufacturer's to endure that they produce quality products for the market.
added by Anonymous 328 days ago 1    0

Some companies have started manufacturing phone charger which are wireless. The user just places the phone on the charger without inserting any charging cable.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 2    0

Technology in this days change every thing, all items, like smart phones, laptops, television all have already changed so I don't understand how today you can charge telephone without entering charge.
added by 1001246165 669 days ago 2    0

Yes,alot of Changes have been made on the lots of manufactured items. One the technology is emphasising nano technology were every thing is being reduced to its simple and small state. Say of the computer systems. In the earliest times, the system was too big and heavy but now it has been all combined in a small system as a laptop. Even when comparing the power consumption rate, the first system had a very high power consumption rate than the current system. Looking at the storage devices, in the earliest stages the devices were very big with small storage spaces say of magnetic tapes. Compare it with the memory card and flash disc. Now even the technology has been reduced to cloud storage spaces which is even invisible. The technology has greatly improved over time.
added by Anonymous 670 days ago 2    0

Due to the rapid development of technology, all aspects have changed drastically, including battery chargers that use multi-technology. People don't have to bother looking for plugs.
added by 1001249032 675 days ago 2    0

Changes have been made on the lots of manufactured items

Cell phones with removable battery was a common thing in the past decades, radio cassettes that used batteries was normal, however, today, it's a different picture. Some companies have started manufacturing phone charger which are wireless. The user just places the phone on the charger without inserting any charging cable.
Projectors are replacing white boards almost everywhere.

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