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Tous ceux qui travaillent dur deviennent riches à long terme.
Je partage ce point de vue. Seul le travail libère. L'oisiveté n'a jamais prospéré. Quand on est régulier dans ce qu'on entreprend,on finira par réussir. Nous devons s'engager fermement et aimer surtout ce qu'on fait pour engranger des résultats. Merci
added by Anonymous 660 days ago 0    0

There are some individuals who have been working hard from their childhood and they are now in 50's or 60's but haven't got rich.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 0    0

When you work hard you can be rich but it getting rich is GOD'S BLESSINGS and it is you who has to look for your blessing
added by Anonymous 675 days ago 1    0

Everyone who works hard become rich in the long run

Working hard might result to getting rich, however, getting rich might not mean working hard. There are some individuals who have been working hard from their childhood and they are now in 50's or 60's but haven't got rich. However, there are those who were rich at the age of 20 but they haven't been even working hard.

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Not all who work hard become rich depending on their thoughts, right? because wealth is not a guarantee because not all treasures are the result of hard work like lottery for example. You don't have to work hard. A person's success is not just wealth. Note that. Sometimes hard work in learning can learn anything. So wealth is not the main key.
added by 1001249032 676 days ago 2    0

Partly working hard does not make some one rich especially when he or she is not good at saving, extravant, has many dependants, doing activities which low profits,etc.
added by Anonymous 676 days ago 1    0