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No you may having money but yet you don't happy because money can not solved everything in your life for example you already have much money but problems and sickness is everywhere in your family you can't happy , Thank you
added by Anonymous 671 days ago 0    0

Money they say is the root of all evil but here is the case, money is also a basic necessity. Money is good, is only bad if the approach you used to earn it is bad.
added by Anonymous 673 days ago 3    0

Having money is all you need to live a happy life!

Money is all what everyone looks for night and day.
Money alone can't make you happy and give you an everlasting good life.Many things have kept even the reach stressed to even run mad, committing suicide and other crimes.You can't be lonely with only money and expect happiness.Money can make you gain alot like popularity and other good things but still you need to supplement it with other factors.lets talk about it

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