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Of a truth a lot of people have made it in life through betting business especially sport betting while others have lost all the have through betting business too.
added by 1001277811 142 days ago 1    0

How nice they are, the books... Of course, they are not philanthropists! Football, a mass sport par excellence (more than 50% of total bets!), is certainly the sport that brings in the most money for bookmakers.
added by Anonymous 671 days ago 3    0

Very true betting is only good when you are winning some not always donating, on the other hand it's bad because you can finish your savings hoping one day you'll win, so when betting bet the money you can afford to lose.
added by Anonymous 674 days ago 3    0

Yes according to the people's understanding but in actual sense people are just westing time in betting rather than doing other things

added by 1001202480 674 days ago 4    0

Betting became the way of making money

There are people who have made it a fortune from sports betting. There are those who have lost all in staking all their savings in betting and keep saying there is nothing good in betting. Since it is voluntary and by choice to participate, it becomes the best thing.

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Les paris ne sont pas les moyens de gagner de l'argent. L'argent se gagne en travaillant dur comme fer. On ne peut pas compter sur la chance pour vivre. La plupart de ceux qui ont la chance de gagner, s'ils veulent dire la vérité, ils ont beaucoup misé avant que la chance les souri. Je ne conseillerai pas quelqu'un d'en faire son gagné pains. Bonne journée.
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 1    0

There are those who have lost all in staking all their savings in betting and keep saying there is nothing good in betting. People have lost more that they have gained
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 2    0

some of us really want to find an easy and satisfying result. betting is not the best way to earn. many things that can be produced by doing according to our expertise. YEM one that we can do for us to earn without betting.
added by Anonymous 672 days ago 2    0

Betting has helped some people make a lot of money but unfortunately people have also lost a lot of money betting and more people have lost in betting thank those who have gained
added by Anonymous 674 days ago 3    0