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Religious differences in the household are allowed according to the goodness of each. but it is better for one of them to choose a trust in the household. so that later there will be certainty of the religion that will be adopted by a child. because religion is identical with our status in society.
added by Anonymous 673 days ago 1    0

What if you had two religions in a marriage!

Belonging to the same religion is ok if you have agreed upon it.
But it is also ok to belong to different religion if you have agreed upon it as well. This must form your basis of discussion during your dating period so as to avoid differences in the future resulting from religion differences.
Marriage is permanent as the scriptures tell us, that the two become one, so if you agreed you are one amidst your different regions.
If you develop differences, actually they may not affect you but your children because they will have no sense of religion as you have differences and cannot agree on the best for the family.

We add later in the next statement.

How do you vote?

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Sincerely having two faith in our family is not good to large extend , especially to people who want to leave one, decision making, bring up children who will pray for you in here after you live,as Holly qran says ie if any of parent dies, your children always have to pray for you in his or her prayers.
- Next,if you feel like going in to sex with you partner both of you have Sam words you ricite (duwa) which protect you from Satan,so it's better to be in one faith.
added by 1000940749 673 days ago 1    0