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strong person can make a machine work for a long time but a wise one makes a machine run on its own endlessly.
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 0    0

It is better to go to a house of mourning than to a place where a good meal is made. ... Wisdom makes the wise man stronger than ten governors of a city.
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 0    0

physical strength is not an absolute priority because only relying on physical strength can fall apart all plans. The main thing we need is thinking, bright ideas and good solutions.mature business strategy and the perfect solution
added by 1001249032 666 days ago 0    0

Being wise is better than being strong!

Wise people can do great things that can shake the whole world.Being strong with no wisdom is nothing. However strong someone is, you can not manage many things alone.
A strong person can make a machine work for a long time but a wise one makes a machine run on its own endlessly.
Wise people do much more than physically strong ones.

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