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Le destin est vrai C'est très vrai quand vous êtes destiné à être avec quelqu'un, ce sera toujours même lorsque vous quittez l'endroit où vous vous rencontrez encore
added by Anonymous 658 days ago 0    0

It's very true when you are destined to be with some one it will always be even when you leave the place you still meet

added by Anonymous 659 days ago 0    0

When you Man choose apatterner and you also chosen by one woman and you decide to go through life together as a marriage couple, you can get up to the end together.
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 0    0

I really believed that once it's over, there's no turning back. That would be it, the end of the relationship, the end of someone's existence in my life. But fate had other plans.
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 0    0

I really believed that once it's over, there's no turning back. That would be it, the end of the relationship, the end of someone's existence in my life. But fate had other plans.
added by Anonymous 673 days ago 0    0

When two people are destined to end up together they always end up together?

When two people are destined to end up together they always end up together?
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When Two People Are Destined To End Up Together, They Always End Up Together. I really believed that once it's over, there's no turning back. That would be it, the end of the relationship, the end of someone's existence in my life. But fate had other plans.

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may have been overly hasty on this one. On reflection what it is saying is that there is no such thing as free will, which I do in fact agree with
added by 1000017982 661 days ago 0    0