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Networking is very opens up doors for customers from all part of the world....and provides new ideas and creates a competent environment whereby all businesses will focus to providing standard goods and services if they want to make a room for permanent customers...
added by 1001259702 449 days ago 0    0

Staying connected through networking
Professional networking is indeed very important for: Acquire and strengthen your visibility as an expert in your field. Keep up to date with market developments and improve your knowledge of your sector
added by Anonymous 671 days ago 1    0

Yes, networking is very important in business success. One, networking help to increase the market of the product of the business. It's the people you connect with that will be a source of market for the goods you are selling. Another thing, networking opens one to many experiences most especially from the people he or she connects with in related fields. It helps to create new ideas as advised and coping from the fellow friends. Networking helps one to get a source of raw materials for the goods required in his or her networking is very important in business progress.
added by Anonymous 672 days ago 1    0

Is networking very important in business sector

What you do or plan to do, I have a belief that networking comes first. You can never do any kind of business development without networking.
What makes money is people, and their networks by knowing where to find the markets and where to find the right customers.

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