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Yes it must be massive advertisement on all forms of media that exist in the world today and in different languages. All at the same time.
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 0    0

I haven't come across that digital exchange has been open for public transaction.
Some will rush to exchange their digital assets to fiat currency in order to open up businesses. This may not be a good option.
added by 1001242910 663 days ago 1    0

YEM is like something that came from space. We have high hopes for holding YEM, because we know that YEM is comparable to gold assets that can boost the economy in the future. Hopefully what we want can come true.
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 2    0

Yes, if the digital exchange is out, the game is over.
What is left is just publicity. And this time round publicity will be evidence. Unlike in the past when you could tell someone about yem and the first question would be liquidity. Now if the digital exchange is out and functioning in that liquidation is possible, then publicity will be much more easy and it will be automatically massive since who ever will know about such news will be eager to tell the friends. Given the security of the pernum, people will be attracted with no worries. Given the zero risk, due to stability of yem, the publicity will be evidencial in that all you will say will be proved before the challengers. I think liquidation will it's self make its own publicity.
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 3    0

Yem to the world.and I believe with this digital exchange wee are top of the world. No other crypto in crypto world that can be compered with yem.
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 3    0

It is going to be a very big tool to boost our business as far as technological advancement and we are going to prosper.
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 4    0

Most people have been doubting in cryptocurrency so when it goes public so many people in their countries will join us.
added by 1001234382 663 days ago 3    0

Now That The Digital Exchange Has Come What Next Is It MASSIVE PUBLICITY?

Now That The Digital Exchange Has Come What Next MASSIVE PUBLICITY?

The YEM Foundation shouldn't take publicity lightly at all, there should be massive publicity to announced the arrival of the best Digital Currency in world.

Many crypto out there are merely speculative objects, only YEM has stability with near zero risk. YEM is more than gold and we are very proud of YEM!!!!

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