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To make development or when one is running for development, has to look at the side of investment for better growth of the business.
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 0    0

Of course but most people don't want to learn they just rush into something without understand it properly.
added by 1001234382 668 days ago 1    0

Quit true investment is a gradual process. Investment requires patience discipline and commitment without these your investment will not yield any fruits
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 0    0

Investment is steady and a growing process

Investment is a gradual and steady progress, it's like watching plants grow. Don't expect to plant some thing and you expect to eat the fruit the following day. You have to be patient, disciplined ready to give it time in order to celebrate the results.
If you are a kind of people who wants quick results go to gambling, there you will get immediate results.

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