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Absolutely true. Those who join new numbers ventures encounter challenges but also benefit more from the business compared to those who join later.
added by Anonymous 670 days ago 0    0

All business opportunities need a try!. Losing in one doesn't mean no success in the other.The more you try businesses opportunities, the more you stand chances to get a better one that can change your life or the one you have been dreaming.
added by Bwambale Robert 670 days ago 1    0

Try to be part of every single business opportunity that comes up

Those who tried to participate in the new business opportunities find lots of challenges but once the market takes over they are the king's in that business venture.
Look the business of selling solar panels and all accessories in my town in the year of 2000, it looked like nobody could buy such and indeed it was difficult to penetrate the market, as of today all the residents have embraced the innovation.

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