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Partially true but No one dances to the words in a song. We all dance to the beat of the song, the flow, the rhythm. Ask any music producer you know he will tell the same thing. But dancing or enjoying a certain piece of music depends on your mood. That's why the old saying goes “ if you're happy you enjoy & dance to the music and if you're sad you understand the lyrics ”
added by Anonymous 132 days ago 0    0

Both the nice beats of the song and the song itself contributes a lot which motivates people to dance.
added by 1001277811 141 days ago 1    0

La musique c'est un tout. Elle est réalisée en combinant des instruments pour en faire la musique. Ce qui fait danser c'est cette musique qui faite de rythme. Le rythme pour moi est un catalyseur à la danse. Quand c'est bien cadencé, dans la piste de danse, la place va manquer parceque tout le monde va s'y inviter.
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 3    0

Me most of the times i go with BEAT because it removes stress on me, have you ever heard of the song of FREE STYLE by EDDIE KENZO, you can't fail to lift your leg atleast.
added by AHIMBISIBWE EMMANUEL 665 days ago 3    0

Both you may dance because of word in it or vasivasa for example lingala music in Uganda we don't understand the meaning of the word.
added by 1001234382 667 days ago 3    0

You face to tune and the best of the song not the words of the song. Words of a song are meant to listen to bot danced to
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 2    0

The beats is what makes the body move. The body responds ti the rhythmic beats of the song. The words merely speak to the heart.
added by 1000885064 667 days ago 3    0

What make you dance!, the nice beat or words in the Song?

Many people have varrying ways on why they say some songs are good and others not.You find one dancing just because the beat is loud and rythimically flowing and others feel the words and dance.Where do you belong.

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