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Education is not only when you sit in the classroom and learn how to read and write there are several avenue of learning these days
added by 1001277811 111 days ago 1    0

L'éducation en soi ne consiste pas à s'asseoir dans une salle de classe et à apprendre à lire et à écrire.
L'homme en général est éduqué dans 3 secteurs. A commencer par la cellule familiale, à l'école et en plus l'éducation du grand public, le monde .
added by Anonymous 653 days ago 1    0

Did you know that investing culture is also in itself an education, it teaches you self denial and broadens the mind.
added by Anonymous 659 days ago 1    0

Most of the time we may take that but not even 40percent so you may learn doing/ making something without sitting in the classroom.
added by 1001234382 662 days ago 2    0

Education in itself is not sitting in a classroom and learn how to read and write

Wherever you talk about education some will take it as sitting in classroom and learn how to read and write. There is more than that, what we learn outside have proved to be more of education than the traditional one. Did you know that investing culture is also in itself an education, it teaches you self denial and broadens the mind.

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