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Yes you have work for future because when you get old you don't need to be disturbed by working you just to sit and relax
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 0    0

Working for the future is slowly by slowly getting rubbed from the people's heads. Our great grand parents worked for the future before we were born, our grand parents also did the same, our parents have also been working for the future but I doubt if one of the them reached on that future. I am slowly by slowly finding out that there is no future greater and today. We shall always see future in front of us. The future will never be there cause we never know what will happen in future, so we should look at our todays and take them seriously.
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 0    0

Already those who invested yesterday or today will start counting their dividends or interest
Therefore my appeal, don't wait for the future, because the future is now.
added by Anonymous 665 days ago 0    0

I have to work for the that is to say building were to go after death you make it you're self by helping others.
added by 1001234382 667 days ago 0    0

Would you work for the future or you can still work in future

The good thing is that the future is today, whether you are working for the future whether you are waiting to work in the future the future is now.
There are people who have said let's wait to invest and we shall Invest in the future. Already those who invested yesterday or today will start counting their dividends or interest
Therefore my appeal, don't wait for the future, because the future is now.

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