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The moment you have an option, making a powerful decision might be a big problem as you keep thinking,
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 0    0

The moment you have an option, making a powerful decision might be a big problem as you keep thinking, what if I did this or what if I tried that.
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 0    0

A true entrepreneur is that person who doesn't have any plan B

He goes whole-heartedely irrespective of the challenges he comes across. The moment you have an option, making a powerful decision might be a big problem as you keep thinking, what if I did this or what if I tried that.
Face the reality and persevere in doing that thing as if there's no any other option.

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Agood entrepreneur must have plans B , because things may change for example this pandemic we had to change to B.
added by 1001234382 669 days ago 0    0