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Thinking when you are thinking wisely makes you a big survant and a special blessings person who gives good service in a community.
added by Anonymous 656 days ago 0    0

Thinking big things is very good and it helps you to dream big and also to invest in big things and to become a billionaire
added by Anonymous 659 days ago 0    0

Do it as if it's impossible even if it's doable. If your target is $50000 dollars, aim at $100,000 that's how you can achieve your $50000 when you aim at exact figure, you may not hit your target.
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 0    0

Do it as if it's impossible even if it's doable. If your target is $50000 dollars, aim at $100,000 that's how you can achieve your $50000 when you aim at exact figure, you may not hit your target.
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 0    0

Always look and think about pregnant matters before doing anything to and not to be thinking in the box . which means that you have to think wide
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 0    0

I agree.Do it as if it's impossible even if it's doable. If your target is $50000 dollars, aim at $100,000 that's how you can achieve your $50000 when you aim at exact figure, you may not hit your target.
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 0    0

Yes I gree with you in other countries they have even people who are there to think which shows that thinking is a great thing.
added by 1001234382 662 days ago 0    0

As long as you are going to be thinking, keep thinking big things

Thinking big makes you a great person, when you think of a target, aim at that one which is bigger than what others call big. Do it as if it's impossible even if it's doable. If your target is $50000 dollars, aim at $100,000 that's how you can achieve your $50000 when you aim at exact figure, you may not hit your target.

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