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Despite the financial challenges facing a lot of people, there are still others who also enjoys financial wealth.
added by 1001277811 136 days ago 1    0

Peu importe à quel point il fait sombre, le plus important est qu'il y ait aussi de la lumière. Quelque soit la durée de la pauvreté, il y aura un temps où prospérité s'installera. Pourvu qu'on ait confiance en sois. Surtout penser positif et rêver grand.
added by Anonymous 652 days ago 1    0

Yes where there is darkness there will light after darkness and no matter how very dark it is light must be there
added by Anonymous 658 days ago 2    0

No matter how dark it may be, the most important thing is that there is light also

People will keep complaining that there is crisis always but that doesn't mean there are those who are enjoying life. We cannot all be in the crisis at the same time. When it's in the night in one continent, there is darkness in another continent, that's why you should not sit down and after all there is economic crisis every where.

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