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Salut à tous. Une femme doit du respect et obéissance à son mari. Elle doit veiller aux petits soins de Monsieur. Si elle n'agit pas ainsi,ça veut dire qu'il ya problème. Une solution doit être trouvée parceque les closes du mariage n'est pas respectée. Plusieurs solutions existent pour résoudre le problème. Je citerai par exemple la mise à quarantaine. En cas de récidive, on peut la prier de rejoindre sa famille biologique juste le temps pour elle de méditer sur les conséquences de des actes. S'il ya pas de changement, elle aura une coépouse parceque la vie est tellement courte qu'il faut éviter des tensions inutiles. Merci pour votre attention.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 0    0

Yes if you have the capability of marrying another wife why don't you marry so the other one can change the behavior
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 0    0

One's badness and one's goodness depends on what one's behaviors but some Men can't tororate with much behaviors
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 0    0

Men, if your wife become bad, will you marry another one?

Most men are in in happy marriages after getting disagreements with their wives, some resort to getting another one but other persist with them. Which is better to remain with one and live unhappy life for good for getting another one and be relieved? Some say they can remain with one but get others to always make them stress free. What is your say.

How do you vote?

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It all depends on what you vall becoming bad.... like is she cheating on me.... or not taking care of our home?.also no repect to my people... then an alternative can come in
added by 1001250398 666 days ago 0    1

If she becomes bad, I will hate all ladies since they are likely to have the same bad behaviors.Once the heart is broken, you can't trust any other woman.This will make me distance from anything called a woman
added by 1001245923 666 days ago 0    0