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True! Changes keep happening from the past to the present.People need to act in the present situations to be able to move on than focusing back into the past that can no longer change anything in your life
added by 1001245923 666 days ago 0    0

Yes it is very true your past has nothing to do with you so leave the past in the past and think of your future and your present
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 0    0

It's true if you bring complaining about what went wrong you can even loss hope and focus which brings In lazyness.
added by 1001234382 667 days ago 0    0

Your past has nothing to do with you.

As we live, many things happen in our lives but the negative things that happen in life has nothing to do with your future. True you can learn a lesson but keep moving don't look back. The moment you are like let me go back may be things can change, you will be hurt more especially with relationships.

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