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It has been made clear that an adventure is a kind of trip or journey made without a particular purpose while a journey is a kind of traveling having a particular purpose
added by 1001277811 127 days ago 1    0

journey is a travel with a purpose and you cant refuse on it while an adventure is a planned trip for excitement and discovering something on a certimain place.
added by Anonymous 449 days ago 1    0

I think the difference between a journey and an adventure is; journey is a travel with a purpose and you cant refuse on it while an adventure is a planned trip for excitement and discovering something on a certimain place.
added by Anonymous 633 days ago 2    0

Difference between journey and adventure.a journey is a travel for some days or months but adventure is for some years,long time
added by Anonymous 650 days ago 1    0

What is the difference between a journey and an adventure?

What is the difference between a journey and an adventure?
An adventure is a trip or journey that you make without a particular purpose. A journey, on the other hand, is travelling a long distance for a particular purpose. Generally the terms intended for those who perform these acts are some with positive connotations and yet others are with pejorative connotations.

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