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Yes it very necessary as a flight traveler you need to be in the airport two hours ahead of your departure time so as to check some necessary things m
added by 1001277811 127 days ago 1    0

U arrive earlier before the airport coz it helps u to sort out any remaining issue that could render u from taking the flight in time
added by Anonymous 226 days ago 1    0

I think more than 3 hours we should arrived to airport so that we have enough time for check in and ensuring our luggage are secured. It prevents also from time pressure and relaxing your mind.

added by Anonymous 633 days ago 2    0

Il est préférable d'arriver quelques heures avant le départ à l'aéroport pour remplir les formalités d'embarquement. Le nombre de voyageurs étant généralement nombreux. Merci
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 2    0

One have to be at the travel site or landing site two hours before so as he has to hear informations about the journey and to know the time for his or her departure
added by Anonymous 665 days ago 2    0

Why arrive 2 hours before the airport?

Why arrive 2 hours before the airport?
Airlines generally recommend that you arrive at the airport at least two hours early for a domestic flight. This gives you time to drop off your luggage and go through security without any pressure.

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