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The more reading of news at 24, is the more growth of danns to get at least a full yem as a means of earning more Fiat
added by Anonymous 658 days ago 0    0

Increasing number of danns is very good and it is helpful to us to increase on the number of yem for us who have no much yem
added by Anonymous 658 days ago 2    0

Yes it is true and am apart of it because everyone needs a free of charge and helps to earn with out wasting a lot of time it is still valuable that's awesome thanks a lot yem foundation
added by 1000937736 658 days ago 2    0

Increasing on number of Danns got after reading news at 24

A humble request to increase the number of Danns got while reading news at 24 .in order to attract more entrants as one of the ways of promoting Danns towards yem .if this is worked upon their will be higher number of people joining safe zone and understanding yem

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