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This type of subdermal implant usually contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, s
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 0    0

Well, its written in the book of revelation
And w have seen almost what is said in the bible taking place
So it will come to pass but those who persist to the end shall be saved
added by 1001061415 1316 days ago 0    0

According to the bible
There will be time when people will have to be given a micro chip and that chip will be implanted into their foreheads and hands
They will be using the chip to be easily identified by the authorities and they will be able to buy and sell and do business only if they get that chip
So that is to say no one will be able to buy anything without that chip
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 0    0

Yes I do believe Because once everything is digitized and computerised no way you could live with out it
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 0    0

Do you believe that no one would buy or sell without the incoming micro chips?

A human microchip implant is typically an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being. This type of subdermal implant usually contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal identification, law enforcement, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information.

How do you vote?

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Not now wait for the Rapture to take place so it can't happen now before the LORD JESUS CHRIST has taken away His Church.
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 0    0

This could cause totalitarian state where the people in government do as they like since they can remotely control the reprisal from people. I don't subscribe to that.
added by 1000836189 1316 days ago 0    0

For the issue of micro chip iknow these chips are used as keys like opening cars and doors and even used for security reasons and in companies.
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 0    0

I disagree because from the creation story, man was created and nothing was left to be added, all these things they add in human life are too dangerous thats why people today live for a short time
added by 1000965722 1316 days ago 0    0

No because with technology developing everyday I don't think everyone would need to first aquire micro chip
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 0    0

NO, that will not work because some countries/people won't allow such technology and some religion says that it's a sign of beast
added by Anonymous 1317 days ago 0    0

I don't believe that. Am very sure but very soon they will discover it's side effects to the people using it right now. I can't even allow it to be implemented in my body. Never
added by 1000951584 1317 days ago 0    0