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It's true because if it wasn't Him we wouldn't have been alive bcoz something may happen good or bad but before you endure it one may say God help me find way out
added by Anonymous 654 days ago 0    0

Dieu nous a accordé cette grâce de voir le jour de juillet au nom de son fils Jésus Christ et nous sommes très reconnaissants pour sa gratitude envers nous
added by Anonymous 657 days ago 0    0

Comrades, Congratulations upon reaching on July, it's been God's Grace, guidance and protection

Oh Lord father we really thank you for your endless grace since we were born upto now we are still alive.
We continue to ask for forgiveness in whatever way we have done wrong through actions and speech, lord in this new month continue to bless us more.
Bless your sons and daughters financially, health, wisdom, patience, hope and keep us away from liabilities in Jesusz name.

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The only reason you made it to July is that you haven't died yet. Just give it time, you can't beat entropy
added by Anonymous 655 days ago 0    0