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Yes, to live a fulfilled life, will be determined by lot's of factors. One factor is the property one has. Most of people find having a the physical assets such as land, cattle, vehicles among others as a source of fulfilment. Another factor is the number of children one has. This is mostly found in Africa where the number of children one has determines his wealth status. The most children you have, the more successful and fulfilled you are. Children are seen as the basement for wealth multiplication and family expansion hence most of the people go a head to marry very many wives so as to produce many children. Another factor for fulfilment is the level of education. As education has become a necessity in today's world, people get fulfilled especially when they pass and achieve the highest qualifications in education such as masters and PhDs. Others consider good health as the main source for fulfilment. Different people choose different reasons for fulfilment of their lives.
added by Anonymous 659 days ago 0    0

Exactly life can't change without a dream and achieved goals thus we have to be with dream in order to achieve our goals with success
added by 1000937736 661 days ago 0    0

When you think of what is the next to do you will achieve what you want and you will fulfill your life and the future
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 0    0

Exactly since children hood you have to pass through very many things for example education at home, education at school and others.
added by 1001234382 661 days ago 0    0

To live a fulfilled life, will be determined with lot's of factors

A fulfiled life is achieved by asking ourselves ' what is next' of our lives.
Without dreams and goals, there is no living, only merely existing and that is not the reason, why we are here.
Human beings are curious to know what coming next, that how the world will move at a faster pace.

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