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Yes some time but it has to be balanced for old and new yem holders but as I know it is not simple to get anything in prizemenia except for God's mercy
added by 1000937736 664 days ago 1    0

I also wondered why because I have ever tried play but never to win maybe they are the only to participate.
added by 1001234382 664 days ago 1    0

Wow it is a true story but only those who are blessed with much chances of winning where by one with less chances can't win in prize mania.
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 1    0

On praizemania site almost old purnums are commonly seen/displayed/picked as winners

During this struggle of getting of the view that all new and old pernums should be generally among the lucky ones . That today an old number for cash jackpots. Or tomorrow the new number for yem jackpot so that it is balanced and fairly done . This will give more people a lot hope towards the new world they have been aiming at

How do you vote?

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