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I really extend my profound gratitude to people who tried all they could to ensure that yem exchange was launched
added by 1001277811 108 days ago 1    0

I do agree with the statement, yes I too am thankful to God not only for Dan but for the teams that are involved, it takes wisdom and direction and patience with these projects.
added by Anonymous 648 days ago 1    0

Le lancement du digital yem échange va nous réhabiliter. Dans ce sens qu'on était vilipendé par des personnes mal intentionnées.qui souhaitait que le projet échoue. Dieu merci que pour le moment c'est l'effet contraire qui va se réaliser. Vivement que l'échangeur soit effectif demain 5 juillet 2022. Merci à yem fondation.vive yem Fondation.
added by Anonymous 651 days ago 1    0

I think that the Digital Exchange Center due to be launched on, July 5, 2022, will be a great achievement in the lives of the Yem holders and the whole system. The digital exchange centre will be the reason for the the world to put down all they are doing and take the right truck with no huckers, insecurity and the related stuff. It will increase the usability of yem coin thus strengthening it's ecosystem. The world needs to know the system with facts and not telling them what they don't see. The exchange centre will increase the usability and consequently increasing the value of yem.
added by Anonymous 651 days ago 1    0

Glückwunsch an die YEM Foundation BID. Ein großer Meilenstein nach ca. einjährigen, intensiven Bemühungen für den YEM. Wir erfahren in 3 bis 4 Wochen, welches souveräne Subjekt von seinem Recht Gebrauch macht und YEM als erste Blockchain-basierte Währung zur offiziellen und vor allem einzigen Währung ausgewählt hat!
added by Werner Bulich 651 days ago 1    0

Tout ce qu'il faut esperer est qu'il soit possible immédiatement de convertir et retirer ses Yem en fiat. Cela donnera un grand coup de force à ce geant projet mais tellement different au point d'être pris comme mauvais investissement.
added by Anonymous 653 days ago 1    0

Yes it is good for those who want to get money but according to me it is a beginning we have to wait until further notice because for those who are stuck now they will regret for not being patience to get more money than this and I thank yem foundation to achieve its success yem oye ;
added by 1000937736 653 days ago 3    0

Yes it is very true the digital exchange will launching on fifths July and we are waiting as yem holders to launch because it will be a happy day
added by Anonymous 653 days ago 2    0

C'est une bonne opportunité qui va donner plus de confiance aux utilisateurs du Yem et aussi en 2022 déjà une nouvelle possibilité à la bockchain. Yem progressivement va s,imposer dans le marcher des cryptomonaies comme une valeur forte et peu volatile, c'est à dire stable.
added by Anonymous 653 days ago 2    0

The Digital Exchange Center launch, July 5, 2022, a springboard for Yemholders,

From Bridge coin to Dragon Global in search for fiat, Yem holders had been exhausted and frustrated. But thank God for the proactivity of Mr. Dan Settgast and the YEM Foundation team, our licensed Digital Exchange Center was pregnant and it is now expected to be commissioned on July 5, 2022. How do vote?

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