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Le client est roi. C'est à lui que le service est rendu. Donc on peut dire sans se tromper que le client est donc le seul patron de l'entreprise. Les employés doivent le savoir afin de les traiter comme il se doit. Merci
added by Anonymous 657 days ago 0    0

In business where there is selling and buying of goods , the customer who have come to buy goods is the boss because is the one bringing floats.
added by Anonymous 657 days ago 0    0

Yes if you have a customer care it means to increase on getting more customers
If a customer gets a good he/she will come back with other people
If you don't have customer care you will be in loss of youre business
added by 1000937736 658 days ago 0    0

There is only one boss. The customer and we have to follow whatever he says

Wherever, the customer comes into your business to do the window shopping, don't look at them as if they are wasting your time they are looking at the items, new fashion, they are gaging how you welcome them, how you talk to them and how you take them through. When take them around and show them the items you have in the shop and they don't buy don't feel bad towards them.
They are your bosses, they can fire all from the chairman on downwards simply by not getting satisfied of what you are doing.

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According to me the boss is client but we should not follow their ideas sometimes we need to decide on our own.
added by 1001234382 658 days ago 0    0