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Salut cher Yem Holder. Votre publication est géniale. Seulement, pas une seule personne, qui possède des yems ne pense tout échanger contre du fiat.
Pour beaucoup de personne il s'agit juste de retirer un faible pourcentage de leur portefeuille. Le reste augmentera tranquillement.

added by Anonymous 654 days ago 1    0

Think twice before change? Are you aware that Yem is itself a Fiat currency? Yes, it's the World's first fiat digital currency to be used as your everyday money and back up for all the CBDCs Worldwide. So, if one can not accept it,then change it to the cbdc of his choice. That's my own personal interpretation. What's yours?
added by 1001057999 654 days ago 1    0

Yes you are very right and thank you so much for that information because it is very good to know what we are exchanging
added by Anonymous 654 days ago 2    0

Think Twice before you Change your YEM to Fiat Currency!!!

It will depend on individual investors/YEM holders. Even if they put 20 years those to be poor will be there.
Let us be self disciplined on how we manage our investments and how we spend any cash that we have in the hands.

Anyway, when you spend your YEM as you desire without planning for the next 10 years someone is ready to buy you off and have a strategy to hold it for the next 100 years.

You must decide now what you wish to be today or tomorrow.
THINK TWICE as you plan to liquidate your YEM!!

Thank you members for the beautiful ideas and discussions raised on this page!
Cheers, Cheers, Cheers!

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