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Natural resources has sustained government in a special ways especially in our country Nigeria. This is one of the reasons Nigeria insisted that they don't want to break up to a nation called Biafra.
added by 1001277811 147 days ago 1    0

Of course due to the weakness if most government on the way they handle things if the country turns in to polical.
added by 1000945510 662 days ago 2    0

The Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: The Governance Challenge

Over-exploitation of natural resources harms the health of ecosystems and the wellbeing of people.

In the face of environmental crises and growing inequality, we need to act, including developing extended producer responsibility and supply chain legislation, guaranteeing green public procurement, supporting technical innovation to enhance resource circularity, and adopting decision-making processes that include and respect women, Indigenous Peoples, and local communities.


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