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I really appreciate the management behind safezone and it's associated website such as proorno yem knowing that the digital exchange of yem is already at hand
added by 1001277811 109 days ago 1    0

Il n'y a plus de grains à moudre pour tous ceux qui se plaignaient du fait que yem exchange n'était pas fonctionnel. Chaque détenteur a pu positionner quelques yem sur le marché public. Et attend que le marché puisse prospérer pour le retour de l'investissement. Merci à la fondation.
added by Anonymous 646 days ago 1    0

Yes digital exchange is here and they have allowed us to on exchange and exchange our fiat money into yem and it is what we have been waiting for but there are some difficults in exchanging but we will obey the rules
added by Anonymous 650 days ago 1    0

Finally digital exchange center is here

People have been complaining and some had lost hope but finally digital exchange center is here, people login to your account and enjoy your YEM responsively, no wastege remember it is adding on value,so if you finished early, your will cry alone.

How do you vote?

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