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Formation of different political parties is as a result of different people view based on social economics and otherwise.
added by 1001277811 126 days ago 1    0

Poor democracy in some countries especially in African countries because the leaders just lie to their people that we have democracy yet not and that we lead to formation of many parties
added by Anonymous 653 days ago 2    0

C'est la volonté de gouverner et de concurrencer ses égo face à l'adversité pour une assistante monumentale face au besoin de la population par des meetings et autres
added by Anonymous 654 days ago 1    0

What leads to the formation of political parties?

Formation of political parties is due to many factors ranging from personal, economic and social.Some People don't believe in what other parties do or the way they implement their leadership activities.Others want to also go into offices for personal gains.Its also a way of getting money from people or government.

How do you vote?

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