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Water is a source of life meanwhile human being need water in order to survive lack of water in the body can cause dehydration
added by 1001277811 111 days ago 1    0

I Truly believe praying, drinking a glass of water, and stretching in that order can help you with longevity
added by Anonymous 650 days ago 2    0

Yes this is very important, without water there is nothing that can exist
All the plants grow under the influence of water.
All the oxygen that we breath comes from water,
All industries use water
I think water is more important than what most of us may think.
added by 1001242913 650 days ago 2    0

Water is life and we need life all the time.

The human being is made up of more than 60% water. It is therefore imperative that we keep the optimum water balance in our bodies if we want to keep fit. A person should take at least 3-4 litres of water everyday. Not all water is good. Drinking water should be pure, clear with no odour and no taste, with a PH of 6.5-7.5. Please endeavor to keep hydrated to avoid unnecessary complications with in your bodies, especially in the dry season like now.

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