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This is a true saying if not to get money no one would be earger to work.Since it is compulsory that without working you will not make money.
added by 1001277811 145 days ago 1    0

One money is a medium of exchange for the the service like installing adish for network signal tv watching.
The work done determine the amount to be given depending on agreement between the employer and the employee.
added by 1000948034 624 days ago 1    0

En réalité les gens ne travaillent pas pour de l'argent mais travaillent pour l'utilité de ce moyen d'échange qu'est l'argent. Si demain nous remplaçons l'argent tel qu'il est connu par un autre moyen, la situation serait exactement comme elle l'est aujourd'hui.
added by Anonymous 654 days ago 1    0

If you have money you can do everything, you can buy everything you wanted in life. In every move of a man it involves money.
added by Anonymous 655 days ago 1    0

If it's not for the sake of money, people wouldn't be working

Due to the fact that money is a universal solution to almost all problems, everyone wishes to have it if problems in life are to be managed.Money can only be acquired through work and doing various activities that leads to monetary payments.

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Avant l'apparition de l'argent les gens travaillent sur même en se moment c'est l'échange qui était là. Les gens travaillent pour la la recherche d'indépendance
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 1    0