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This is a true saying a poor community is very easy to handle than the rich community because of fear in them
added by 1001277811 115 days ago 1    0

Poverty entails more than the lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods. Its manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-making.
added by Anonymous 579 days ago 1    0

But I don't like to be in poor community when I'm a rich because that cause insecure .. it's a better all community to be Rich
added by Rukundo Smith 652 days ago 4    0

Poor communities are easy to handle because they are inferior and having a low profile personalities may be when it comes to knowledge and financial capabilities.
added by Anonymous 652 days ago 1    1

A poor community is easier to handle and manage.

The poor community is easily managed and handled due to the vulnerability of discovering their own freedom and rights due to inferiority complexes.The poor feels so Inferior and "admitive" to the rich or their leaders as the tend to behave like baggers all the time

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La communauté pauvre est facilement gérée et manipulée en raison de la vulnérabilité de la découverte de sa propre liberté et de ses droits en raison de complexes d'infériorité.
added by Anonymous 650 days ago 1    0