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It is advisable to have enough sleep as it contribute to good health in human being let us not play with it.
added by 1001277811 119 days ago 1    0

Our bodies need to rest. One should have enough sleep to relax both the mind and body ad also to let new cells be made. Sleep is the best medicine for poper growth.
added by Anonymous 656 days ago 4    0

Of course having enough sleep everyday is important and good medicine because it helps people rest their memories
added by 1000945510 656 days ago 3    0

Sleep is very important in human life. It relieves stress, boost strenght. A man should sleep at least 8 hrs a day.
added by Anonymous 657 days ago 3    0

Because it relaxes the mind and the body. Therefore it is true that you can earn health immune by sleeping enough.
added by Anonymous 657 days ago 3    0

Having enough sleep is medicine in life!

Having enough sleep is very necessary and important in ones life.
Enough sleep relieves the brain from stress, it also boosts brain power, it restores the brain memory, improves thinking capacity and many others.The brain is the center for human control and can only be relaxed by enough sleep

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At one hand it's healthy,but sleeping when you are poor on my side I don't see any health their, sleep while knowing that when you are awake some good messages,calls, or direct people will face you to top up something in your pocket.
added by Anonymous 656 days ago 1    0